On the 17th of April, Korea Tourism Organization(KTO) welcomed their most international team, the K-Performance Supporters to a new era of Korean Performances.
In central Seoul-Jongro Cinecoa VIPS- old and new K-Supporters met the Manager and their new coordinators from Eventteam KTO that encouraged them to actively participate in the program and listened to what will follow soon and in the following months.
At first KPerformance Supporters enjoyed a rich buffet for dinner at VIPS restaurant which
is on the 2nd floor of Cinecoa. After the gathering the KPerformance Supporters moved to
the 3rd floor in the theater and enjoyed the dancing performance “Sachoom”. “Sachoom” is one of the most successful Korean performances for many years now and its motto is
‘Let’s Dance 춤을 주세요!’.
Every season they rotate their cast so to keep the performance fresh and apply lots of
humor to every part of their dance. The most funny moments are the ones that involve the audience even calling them to come up on stage to briefly turn into actors.
Sachoom includes all types of dance from sensational to classic and modern,
surrounding them by stories. Audience is very glad to be informed in the begging of the show that photos without flash ARE ALLOWED during the performance!
surrounding them by stories. Audience is very glad to be informed in the begging of the show that photos without flash ARE ALLOWED during the performance!
Spending a beautiful afternoon with Eventteam KTO and the
4th K-Performance Supporters one thing is left to say:
Let the K-Performances begin!!!
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